A Bruxelles, découvrez:

L’avenir youth centre

The new L’Avenir youth centre is built on the existing car park between the high towers of the Laeken Foyer. This building has excellent characteristics with regard to ecological use of materials: sustainable insulation, ecological finishing and FSC wood.
Particular attention has been given to limiting the net energy requirements of the building. Thanks to good insulation of all its parts, a heating requirement of 36 kWh/m².yr is expected (for a Brussels average of 106).
The ventilation requirement has been reduced thanks to significant heat recovery and an earth-air heat exchanger. Presence detectors and daylight-responsive lighting control allow significant savings on lighting.
The building is barely visible from above thanks to an extensive green roof, composed of a layer of grass, succulents and moss.


Chaussée d’Anvers 156, 1000 Brussels


City of Brussels


R²D² Architecture

Engineering design:

Détang, JZH & Partners


156 Chaussée d'Anvers
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